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A while ago, we told you the story of our lead developer, Remy, and how he started working at WP Rocket.
Time passed by, and our team increased over the years. So today, we’re picking up from where we left off to keep you talking about WP Rocket team members.
We’d like you to get to know the people behind WP Rocket: every release, every bug fix and improvement you see on our plugin is the results of the efforts of a great team, ranging from Developers to Support Rocketeers to Marketing people.
So here we are with a new episode of the WP Rocket Team Members Stories: today all the lights are on Mirna Freitez, who works in our Support Team.
Meet Mirna, Support Rocketeer
Mirna was born in Barquisimeto, Venezuela, and a few months ago, she moved from Caracas to Buenos Aires, Argentina.
In her spare time, she loves reading and listening to music. Barquisimeto, her hometown, is renowned for being the musical capital of Venezuela, so Mirna grew up surrounded by music and is now a good singer (at least, that’s what her mom says!).
She’s also a passionate photographer, and you can admire her pictures on her Flickr profile.
Mirna studied Information Technology Engineering and, before falling in love with customer support, she worked for a long time as a backend developer.
She joined WP Media in May 2019 and immediately started working on WP Rocket within the Customer Support Team.

The First Encounter with WordPress and a Diverse Professional Journey
Mirna met WordPress during her studies. She was used to working with another CMS, Joomla, that was widely used at that time. Then, one of her teammates recommended her to try WordPress, saying that it was going to be a much better experience: and he was not wrong!
Since then, Mirna fell in love with WordPress and ended up including it in her professional life, too.
For a few years, she worked as a programmer for the Venezuelan Seismological Research Foundation who studies earthquakes, tsunamis, and other geological events.
Then she joined a Polish SaaS startup offering a hotel and touristic software by subscription. That was her first remote job.
Customer Support: You Gotta Love It!
One of the things Mirna felt she was missing during her past work experience was the contact with people. That’s the reason why she took her chance by switching to a Customer Support role for a hosting company and ended up joining WP Media this year.
Helping People Every Day
As Mirna puts it:
“I really like helping people and interacting with them. Before working at WP Media, my job was as a programmer, and although I liked it, it seemed a bit like a lonely job: I always missed contact with people. For me, it is very satisfying to be able to help people reach their goals with their websites.“
But Customer Support is not a picnic, and Mirna knows this very well.
In her past work experiences in Customer Support, sometimes she had to deal with five customer chats at the same time. This can be very stressful but also very rewarding; we should never underestimate the impact of our role in Customer Support:
“When I help customers to reach their goal and feel their gratitude, that’s awesome. What for me is a simple issue that can be solved in ten minutes, for some of them, it can imply hours of work, and be an annoying brain teaser.“

Working for WP Rocket: the Most Favorite Feature
Every Rocketeer has their favorite WP Rocket feature, and so does Mirna.
She really loves WP Rocket’s lazy-loading feature, because it gives the users exactly what they need while they visit a page, and nothing more.
Since the infinite scroll has become a fashion, handling all the information, a web page contains can sometimes be challenging. Lazy-loading solves this point by serving the perfect amount of info needed to enjoy the content while we scroll; not only does this technique improve the user experience, but it also has a big impact on a website’s loading time.
Do you have any questions for Mirna or curiosity about her job in Customer Support at WP Rocket? Leave them in the comments section; she’ll be happy to answer!