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The 3.17.1 version is now available for a random sample of 70% of our users.
We will release this version to 100% of our users in the next few days. More Information.

WP Rocket doesn’t require you to be a rocket scientist to make the most of it!
We created WP Rocket to be the most user-friendly cache plugin around and with the easiest set-up.

Installing WP Rocket

There are two WP Rocket installation options: Automatic or Manual. See our instructions to find out how to proceed.

You've activated WP Rocket—what now?

You're mostly ready! The most important feature is automatically enabled upon activation. Check our step-by-step for the next thing you'll want to do once you’ve activated WP Rocket.

Getting Started with WP Rocket

Get help with license validation issues and uploading/installing WP Rocket.
These articles walk you through troubleshooting steps and solutions.

Resolving problems

When you install and activate WP Rocket, the validation of your license happens in the background. If the license validation isn't working correctly, this article will guide you through troubleshooting errors.

Can't upload/install WP Rocket

If you are seeing an error message when you try to upload WP Rocket, it means there is a low limit on the file size you can upload to your site. See how to set this limitation.

Find out if WP Rocket is caching your pages correctly.
And if it’s not, we have a step-by-step troubleshooting guide for the most common issues.

Check if WP Rocket is caching your pages

See our 4 simple methods to check that WP Rocket is optimizing and caching your pages.

Why is WP Rocket not working?

If you notice some issues after the activation of our plugin, don't panic! These possible issues are all reversible. Check our documentation to troubleshoot the cause of the problem.

Pages not cached, or Minify CSS/JS not working

If you believe that WP Rocket is not caching your page, first make sure that you’ve logged out of WordPress. If the problem persists, see our troubleshooting guide.

How to Check if WP Rocket is Caching Your Site

Issues like this are often related to one of the additional options in WP Rocket.
To identify which option causes the problem, proceed as follows:

  1. On the Media tab, uncheck LazyLoad
  2. On the File Optimization tab, uncheck each option, one at a time.
  3. Each time you deactivate an option, check your site in a private/incognito browser window where you're not logged in as a WordPress user.
  4. Reload the page a couple of times to make sure it's cached. When the issue resolves, you know it was caused by the last option you disabled.
  5. Once you know the option that causes it, consult this guide for possible fixes: Resolving Issues with File Optimization

Have you activated some settings and now your site appears broken?
Don’t worry, all changes are reversible! These guides help you troubleshoot and fix display issues.

My Site Is Broken

Sometimes when you start tinkering with WP Rocket’s settings, you may notice missing images or other display issues on your site. These issues are usually easy to fix.

Find the right JavaScript files to exclude

You can use this process when troubleshooting any of the JavaScript related options: Minify/Combine, Load JavaScript Deferred, Delay JavaScript Execution.

My site loads unstyled for a second

Your site loads without styles for a few moments before correcting itself? You could be experiencing FOUC (flash of unstyled content). Learn what a FOUC is, and how you can correct it.

Troubleshooting Display Issues with file Optimization

If your site display is incorrect while this option is activated, check out the "fouc" article below.
If the trouble is with generating the Critical CSS, we have troubleshooting information for that!

Troubleshooting Critical CSS Generation Issues

If you receive any error while generating the critical CSS this guide will help you find out why. Most issues are related to inaccessible pages or firewall protections that block our tool.

"Cloudflare protection" error when generating CSS

If you see the Cloudflare-specific error related to critical CSS, please read this guide for the common fixes. Usually it's related to allowing access to our IP addresses.

"Flash of Unstyled Content" when Optimize CSS Delivery is active

FOUC can lead to a poor page loading experience. This guide provides some possible solutions.

Exclude files from Optimize CSS Delivery

You may need to exclude some files to prevent "FOUC" issues. Find out how to do that with this guide.

WP Rocket is compatible with most CDN providers. Depending on your needs, you can of course use a CDN in addition to Cloudflare.

Using WP Rocket with a CDN

WP Rocket is compatible with most CDN providers, including Amazon Cloudfront, MaxCDN, KeyCDN and others. Read our documentation to learn more about each compatibility.

Using WP Rocket with Cloudflare

WP Rocket is totally compatible and complementary with Cloudflare. Learn more about our add-on, our recommended settings and how to troubleshoot in our documentation.

Cache preloading ensures your visitors get the speedier, cached versions of your site right away.
These articles walk you through how preloading works and its most common issues

How is the cache preloaded

Preload is one of our most awesome features: WP Rocket will generate the cached files so the visitors have great speed from the first visit. Find answers to the most common questions about preloading.

Preload is slow or not pages are preloaded at all

Are you having issues with the preload feature? Find the most common causes of preload related issues and how to fix them.

Resolving issues with CRON

WP Cron plays a big role in preloading and other features too! Learn how to fix the most common CRON related issues.

How Preloading Works in WP Rocket

If you’ve activated LazyLoad and now some of your images are missing, there are a few possible solutions.
Find the one that suits your situation.

Disabling LazyLoad on Specific Posts

If you want to disable LazyLoad on a specific post or page, you can do so directly on the Edit screen using the WP Rocket Options meta box or utilizing a WordPress filter.

Disabling LazyLoad on Specific Images

You can disable LazyLoad on an image, an image class, avatars, or by image source. All exclusion methods can be used for background images as well as standard images.

500 errors can be alarming, but these guides will walk you through how to fix it.

Resolve 500 Internal Server Error

You are facing an error message announcing a "500 Internal Server Error"? Here is what you can do about it.

High CPU usage

If you are experiencing high CPU usage on your site, there are 3 possible ways WP Rocket could cause this. Let's see how to fix this issue.

WP Rocket will improve the overall performance of your site, including PageSpeed.
But not every recommendation can be automatically resolved.
In case you open a ticket, we will provide you any tips and direction to help you solve specific issues but please note we don't provide optimization service.

Google PageSpeed Grade does not Improve

A PageSpeed report can contain a number of recommendations that can cause confusion and make you feel at a loss with questions. In this guide, see how to fix the most common PageSpeed Insights recommendations.

How to Improve Your Mobile PageSpeed Score

It's normal for your mobile score to be lower than the desktop score. This guide will show you which areas to pay attention to for mobile specifically.

Render-blocking JavaScript and CSS

Learn about the 2 options WP Rocket offers to address this PageSpeed Insights’ recommendation.

Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)

Learn the best practices to optimize for this Core Web Vital, and the tweaks to WP Rocket settings that can help.

Total Blocking Time (TBT) / First Input Delay (FID)

There's a lot of technicalities involved in this Core Web Vital, but our guide will show you how to improve it!

Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)

Find out the common causes of layout shift and how to address them. WP Rocket has some options to help you.

How to Measure the Speed of Your Site

14 Days Money Back Guarantee

If the plugin doesn’t meet your expectations, we will refund you within 14 days of your original purchase. You can ask for a refund by simply clicking the "Get Refunded" link in the billing section of your account.

Please watch our video to know how to get refunded by yourself:

Still need help? We’re just one click away!

Our Rocketeers work every day to provide you with support across multiple time zones.
Support is available for anyone with an active WP Rocket license.

Check our tips for getting great support!

If you have a pre-sales question, send us a message through our Contact page.

Enter the email address associated with your WP Rocket account:

If you bought WP Rocket from a reseller, enter your domain below:

Your WP Rocket License is expired!

Your website could be much faster if you could take advantage of our new features and enhancements. 🚀

By renewing your license, you’ll access to the lastest and greatest version of WP Rocket,
and to the wonderful assistance of our Support Team for 1 more year!