Get a Faster Website
in a Few ClicksSoft 404s are fairly common errors that Google sometimes throws up for web pages, particularly for larger sites. They’re also a strange error because soft 404s are a hybrid of 404 and normal pages, and what exactly is causing this error for a particular page might not always be clear. So in this post, I […]
Last update on March 22, 2024Website accessibility is something of a buzzphrase that most developers and designers know is really important and is something they should do, but don’t really know how to get started or have the time to put processes in place, so they simply put it off. The fact is, websites that don’t make accessibility a priority […]
Last update on July 29, 2021Discover the many web marketing benefits of using WordPress as your CMS. From website performance to search optimization, WP has everything you need!
Last update on May 12, 2022Learn the 3 most important steps to make sure Google ranks the translated versions of your WordPress site.
Last update on July 29, 2021Get a Faster Website
in a Few Clicks