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Here we are for a new episode of our WP Rocket Team Members Stories.
So far, we told you about our lead developer, Remy, and one of the members of our awesome Support team, Mirna.
This month, Piotr Bąk is on stage.
Piotr joined WP Rocket Support Team in October 2018 and works on Level 2 Support.
This means that Level 1 Support teammates pass the most challenging support questions to him: and no, they don’t do it to spite him (?); that’s simply how Support at WP Rocket works!
We love the idea that every WP Rocket customer can receive the proper amount of attention they deserve. To do so, Level 2 Support teammates are there to deal with time-consuming tickets: in this way, more straightforward support requests can be dealt with quicker, and the overall workflow of the Support team runs much more smoothly.
Meet Piotr, WP Rocket Level 2 Support
Piotr is a digital nomad living with two cats in La Orotava, a beautiful village in northern Tenerife. Since he was a kid, he always loved sports: right now, when not delving into tickets, he trains CrossFit and enjoys some weightlifting, but also plays football. He likes 80′ and 90′ music and modern chills.

Falling in Love with WordPress
Piotr recalls that his journey with WordPress started classically: he needed to create a site for his father’s company, so he started testing a lot of different CMS like Drupal, Joomla, Plone.
Then, the epiphany: he found WordPress and fell in love. This happened eight years ago.
At first, he freelanced for a couple of years as a side work to his office job; but three years ago, he made the jump, and WordPress became his primary source of income.
He also discovered WordCamps, which he loves for the opportunity they give to meet people in the WordPress community. Piotr gave his first WordCamp talk last August in Brighton, with our former teammate Sabrina Zeidan.
When commenting about this first experience as a speaker, Piotr confirmed his initial impression about the WordPress community:
“It is a very special and unique environment where I feel completely at ease.“

The WP Rocket Experience
In summer 2018, Piotr found WP Media’s job offer on a remote jobs platform: our company was looking for a level 2 support agent, and Piotr realized that could be the right job for him. And he was right!
He says:
“I love being fully independent, and WP Media is very flexible: it’s a fantastic company full of great people.“
Working for WP Rocket: the Technical Side of the Job
Piotr’s main tasks at WP Rocket consist of answering customer tickets and troubleshooting the most complicated issues. He delves into performance optimization daily basis (and that’s the specialty of all WP Rocket Support team members!).
He says that if he had to choose the most favorite tasks of performance optimizations, he would go for working on a server level (except IIS, not exactly his favorite! ?).
“Working on a server level gives me tremendous flexibility and the possibility to resolve all kinds of problems.“
According to Piotr, one of the most challenging aspects of his job is the educational process he goes through with our customers. Web Performance is a science that sometimes entails difficult concepts, and it’s not easy to communicate web performance best practices with straightforward language.
“For example, making people aware of the real importance of speed (loading time) in comparison to performance test scores is often a headache. Most of the people tend to think that if they are getting good PageSpeed (or similar tools) scores, it means that their site is blazing fast. This is not always true.“
Working for WP Rocket: the Most Favorite Feature
Our Support teammates know WP Rocket by heart, and Piotr makes no exception to this.
But despite his in-depth knowledge of the product, he can’t avoid having his preferences.
When I asked him which is his favorite WP Rocket features, here is what he answered:
“I think my favorite WP Rocket feature is Lazy-Loading. That is one of the hardest features to troubleshoot for Support Rocketeers; however, when it works correctly, it gives a huge performance boost and also saves a lot of bandwidth. Great satisfaction for us and our customers!“

Do you have any questions for Piotr or curiosity about Level 2 Support at WP Rocket? Leave them in the comments section; he will be happy to answer!