• August 21st, 2024

    • Enhancement: Improve compatibility of Remove Unused CSS feature with SuperPWA plugin by blocking its JavaScript file that creates the Service Worker. It allows Puppeteer to load the page resources in a regular way.

  • August 9th, 2024

    • Enhancement: Improve the way how Remove Unused CSS feature deals with unclosed @import rules. The feature was failing, with this update it’ll return the correct CSS back to the plugin.
  • August 7th, 2024

    • Fix: Fix a problem when SaaS was not working correctly with the Optimize Critical Images feature after 3.16.4 WP Rocket release.
  • June 26th, 2024

    • Enhancement: Improve the way how Remove Unused CSS handles the responsive media queries.
  • May 30th, 2024

    • Fix: In some situations, only the last item from exclusion list was sent to the server for the Remove Unused CSS feature.
  • May 29th, 2024

    • Enhancement: When your server is using a lot of CPU and memory, optimization jobs triggered by our saas services may fail. To avoid adding more pressure on the server by retrying to run these jobs, we are now differing their execution to find a better spot where the server can handle the load.
  • April 18th, 2024

    • Enhancement: Added support for nested CSS in Remove Unused CSS feature